domingo, 8 de novembro de 2009

Inclusive Dance: a project for life.

This research has been presented at world conferences held in Canada, Spain and Australia. Below is the summary of the research.


The art propitiates to go beyond the architectural barriers and communication. It makes possible the creation of a dialogue between people. The proposal of the inclusive dance has appeared due to the increasing of a world-wide movement that has been occurring in creating programs that value the participation of all, in special people with impairment, as in social, educational and cultural activities.

The objective of this presentation is to narrate on the creation of Project Arteiros in São Paulo/ Brazil as a proposal to work towards a Inclusive Arts Education.


I intended to argue through the monograph - Arteiros Project: a proposal of inclusive dance. - a new form to approach the education for the movement. This work also was presented in14th Deafblind International World Conference 2007/Australia.
I created the “Arteiros Project” for 9 years at AHIMSA (Educational Association for Multi Impairment) in São Paulo/Brazil, with the first
objective of working the body expression with people with multi sensory impairment and deafblindness.

The methodology adapted to the people with impairment was based in studies of Laban -Educative Modern Dance- and in Van Dijk. Thus it was created a contemporary model where the inclusive dance values the participation of all, learning with their differences and similarities.

The communication is always present in the construction of the dialogue between the participants, favoring the usage are part of our choreographic creation and our presentations, either through the usage of systems of alternative or supplementary communication, the Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS), object references or figures of PCS/COMPIC (pictografic and ideografic).

As a way of contributing for the exploration of the movement and the discovery of the self and the existence of the world I looked for to usage of the educative modern dance, as a base of the work. Laban (1990) sought for the development of the "different forms of the movement, in the gestures, in the steps, as well as in those that the contemporary man uses in the daily life" (pg.14). Due to this a work based on the art of the movement is developed. This "new technique of dance stimulates the domain of the movement in all body and mental aspects, extending itself in the modern dance as a new form of scenic and social dance"(pg.16). In the schools the usage of this technique is varied: it makes possible the expression, the retaken one of the awareness of the movements, preserves the spontaneity of the movements, it collaborates in the creative expression and cultivates the capacity of being part of collective dances.

For Van Dijk the children with multiple impairment and deafblindness have difficulty in distinguishing himself/herself and the others are prolongations of their own body. Therefore, the separation of the “I” and the others is essential for the development of its representation and symbolization, that are indispensable for the acquisition and development of the language. The child with impairment discovers that his/her body is a vehicle with which he/she will be able to explore the world through the movement and the interaction with the adult.

In 2007, after a course of teachers formation in “Danceabillity with Alito Alessi” it was possible to improve our work of contact and improvisation, being developed a new possibility of creation in group.

In the experience with sacred circular dances it is possible to develop the socialization, as it searches the retaking old forms of expression of different people and cultures, increased with rhythms, updated choreographies and creations, searching for a more organic form of expressing the feelings. There is also a specific work for women through the belly dance.

We develop self-esteem and the self-care of the participants, valuing its body and aiming at its global health and group interaction. The dance integrates itself to the elements of the nature and it is thought of as part of it.


For the collection of data the process of group comment, using notes and semester and annual reports was used. Filming and pictures of the classes and presentations of the group are also used as documentation forms. With this material the project based on the theoretical references quoted previously was developed.


Currently our main objectives are to develop in this work the body awareness, creativity, socialization, communication and autonomy of all the participants.

This program has already been implemented in 8 institutions that offer service to the people with impairment. More than 250 people had participated of the project, among children, adults and the elderly. 70% of them presented some kind of impairment.

At present it is being carried out in Estação Especial da Lapa (Special Station of Lapa/ Foundation of Medicine). The public of the project are young, adults and elderly with impairment, family and people of the community. In total there are 90 people participating, from 15 to 80 years old; 70% are handicapped, among them 40% are multi impaired and 5% are deafblind. The rest are people from the community or are in the treatment of physical rehabilitation. All the activities offered are free for the participants.


First of all this work aims to rescue the quality of life of the participants, being developed values as basic respect and cooperation so that it enables a good dialogue and understanding between people. With this project it was possible to observe the rescue of self-esteem; the valuing of the participants together with their family, making possible to see the potential of these individuals. It was possible to experience group situations that value the dialogue/socialization of the participants through alternative or supplementary communication together with the community in general.


FORCHETTI, D. Projeto Arteiros: uma proposta de dança inclusiva. Universidade de São Paulo, 2007.

______________Vencendo as barreiras da comunicação. Um Retrato da Comunicação Alternativa no Brasil. FINEP & CNPq, Rio de Janeiro, 2007.

FREIRE, P. Ação Cultural para a Liberdade e outros Escritos. Considerações em torno do ato de estudar. Paz e Terra, São Paulo, 1987.

LABAN,R. Dança Educativa Moderna (edição traduzida e ampliada por Lisa Ullmann) Ícone editora, São Paulo, 1990.

MOMMENSOHN,M. & PETRELLA,P. Reflexões sobre Laban, o mestre do movimento. Summus Editora, São Paulo, 2006.

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